Youth is rock, though.
One of the bands I got hooked on was KANA-BOON.
I was attracted to their fact that "except for the major songs, they are surprisingly philosophical."
In fact, they were "making people" in their indie days.
What I mean is that we made the albums in order.
"Keep your mouth shut."
"Cover your ears."
"Close your eyes."
"I don't have hands or feet."
Later, after his major debut
With the concept of returning to the starting point, the project "KANA-BOON creates human beings"
It was released as a limited edition of the album "origin"
The title of the last song in this limited edition is "construct connect", which is truly "structuring and combining".
It may be a chance encounter and an afterthought.
That's why we at DeepRecommend want to "make people."
You could also say that we tried to do it with technology and it became the way it is