Solving compounding problems with PulP, PySIMPLE and Gurobi


To use the solver in Python, use PuLP.

What is PuLP?

PuLP is an LP modeler written in Python.
PuLP generates MPS or LP files,
Linear problems can be solved by calling GLPK, COIN-OR CLP/CBC, CPLEX, GUROBI, MOSEK, XPRESS, CHOCO, MIPCL, and SCIP.


$ pip install pulp

Supported Python versions

  • Python 2.7
  • Python >= 3.4.

Example scan

To create a new variable, use LpVariable().

0 <= x <= 3:

x = LpVariable("x", 0, 3)

0 <= y <= 1:

y = LpVariable("y", 0, 1)

Use LpProblem() to create a new problem. Create myProblem ".

prob = LpProblem("myProblem", LpMinimize)

Combine variables to create expressions and constraints and add them to your problem.

prob += x + y <= 2

If you add an expression (not a constraint), it becomes an objective function.

prob += -4*x + y


status = prob.solve()

View the status of the solution.


To get the value of a variable, use value().


Examples due to compounding problems

import pulp

# Set to minimize functions
problem = pulp. LpProblem("Formulation Problem", pulp. LpMinimize)

# Set variables (variable name, minimum, maximum, type)
# Proportion of 9 types of alloys
x1 = pulp. LpVariable('X1', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x2 = pulp. LpVariable('X2', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x3 = pulp. LpVariable('X3', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x4 = pulp. LpVariable('X4', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x5 = pulp. LpVariable('X5', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x6 = pulp. LpVariable('X6', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x7 = pulp. LpVariable('X7', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x8 = pulp. LpVariable('X8', 0, 1, 'Continuous')
x9 = pulp. LpVariable('X9', 0, 1, 'Continuous')

# Objective function (defines the cost you want to minimize)
problem += 7.3*x1 + 6.9*x2 + 7.3*x3 + 7.5*x4 + 7.6*x5 + 6.0*x6 + 5.8*x7 + 4.3*x8 + 4.1*x9

# Setting Constraints
# Total 1 (100%)
problem += x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 == 1

# Lead mixing ratio
problem += 20*x1 + 50*x2 + 30*x3 +30*x4 + 30*x5 + 60*x6 + 40*x7 + 10*x8 + 10*x9 == 30
# Zinc mixing ratio
problem += 30*x1 + 40*x2 + 20*x3 +40*x4 + 30*x5 + 30*x6 + 50*x7 + 30*x8 + 10*x9 == 30
# Tin mixing ratio
problem += 50*x1 + 10*x2 + 50*x3 +30*x4 + 40*x5 + 10*x6 + 10*x7 + 60*x8 + 80*x9 == 40

# Checking the Problem Definition

# Execution
result = problem.solve()

# Checking the Results
print("X1:" ,pulp.value(x1))
print("X2:" ,pulp.value(x2))
print("X3:" ,pulp.value(x3))
print("X4:" ,pulp.value(x4))
print("X5:" ,pulp.value(x5))
print("X6:" ,pulp.value(x6))
print("X7:" ,pulp.value(x7))
print("X8:" ,pulp.value(x8))
print("X9:" ,pulp.value(x9))
print("Cost:" ,pulp.value(problem.objective))

Numerical optimizer
use SIMPLE to use the Numerical Optimizer solver in Python.

What is SIMPLE?

PySIMPLE is the Python interface of Numerical Optimizer.
PySIMPLE provides a connection interface to Numerical Optimizer for linear programming problems,
problems where the objective function and constraint expression are all linear.


$ pip install pysimple

Supported Python versions

  • Python3.6
  • Python3.7
  • Python3.8

Examples due to compounding problems

from pysimple import *

problem = Problem(name='配合問題', type=min)

# Variables
x1 = Variable(index=1, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')
x2 = Variable(index=2, lb=0, name='Mixed ratio')
x3 = Variable(index=3, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')
x4 = Variable(index=4, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')
x5 = Variable(index=5, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')
x6 = Variable(index=6, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')
x7 = Variable(index=7, lb=0, name='Mixture ratio')
x8 = Variable(index=8, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')
x9 = Variable(index=9, lb=0, name='mixture ratio')

# Objective function
problem += 7.3*x1 + 6.9*x2 + 7.3*x3 + 7.5*x4 + 7.6*x5 + 6.0*x6 + 5.8*x7 + 4.3*x8 + 4.1*x9

# Lead mixing ratio
problem += 20*x1 + 50*x2 + 30*x3 +30*x4 + 30*x5 + 60*x6 + 40*x7 + 10*x8 + 10*x9 == 30
# Zinc mixing ratio
problem += 30*x1 + 40*x2 + 20*x3 +40*x4 + 30*x5 + 30*x6 + 50*x7 + 30*x8 + 10*x9 == 30
# Tin mixing ratio
problem += 50*x1 + 10*x2 + 50*x3 +30*x4 + 40*x5 + 10*x6 + 10*x7 + 60*x8 + 80*x9 == 40

# Execution

# Output
print("Cost:", problem.result.optValue())

Gurobi To use the Gurobi Optimizer solver in Python, use gurobipy.


$ pip install gurobipy

Examples due to compounding problems

from gurobipy import *

m = Model()

X1 = m.addVar()
X2 = m.addVar()
X3 = m.addVar()
X4 = m.addVar()
X5 = m.addVar()
X6 = m.addVar()
X7 = m.addVar()
X8 = m.addVar()
X9 = m.addVar()

# Objective function (defines the cost you want to minimize)
# Setting Constraints

    7.3*X1 + 6.9*X2 + 7.3*X3 + 7.5*X4 + 7.6*X5 + 6.0*X6 + 5.8*X7 + 4.3*X8 + 4.1*X9,

# Total 1 (100%)
m.addConstr(X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 == 1)

# Lead mixing ratio
m.addConstr(20*X1 + 50*X2 + 30*X3 +30*X4 + 30*X5 + 60*X6 + 40*X7 + 10*X8 + 10*X9 == 30)
# Zinc mixing ratio
m.addConstr(30*X1 + 40*X2 + 20*X3 +40*X4 + 30*X5 + 30*X6 + 50*X7 + 30*X8 + 10*X9 == 30)
# Tin mixing ratio
m.addConstr(50*X1 + 10*X2 + 50*X3 +30*X4 + 40*X5 + 10*X6 + 10*X7 + 60*X8 + 80*X9 == 40)

# Checking the Problem Definition

# Execution

print("X1:" ,X1.x)
print("X2:" ,X2.x)
print("X3:" ,X3.x)
print("X4:" ,X4.x)
print("X5:" ,X5.x)
print("X6:" ,X6.x)
print("X7:" ,X7.x)
print("X8:" ,X8.x)
print("X9:" ,X9.x)
print("Cost:" ,m.objVal)

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